
Hello there! Apologies for the lack of blogging on this platform. I have moved all of my regular updates to a monthly newsletter, which you can sign up to through this link: LINK. Thank you to all of those who have already signed up, and I hope to see more of you pop in through…

Off to Oslo

I’m just a few hours away from starting my journey to Oslo to play as part of allEars festival. I’ll be playing Saturday night as part of a quartet with Andreas Røysum and Voicehandler, as well as potentially some other performances around the area. Hope to see some friendly-albeit-unfamiliar faces there!

End of 2017 Roundup

It’s the end of 2017 (and the start of this blog), so I thought it would be worth summarising my highlights for the year. These included: – Releasing my debut bass clarinet record, which was included in Music Australia’s Top Experimental Music Releases of 2017 – Receiving an invitation to attend allEars Festival 2018 in…